Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Professional 3D Printer OPEN PARAMETERS Equipped with a 14W CO2 laser and the possibility to use nitrogen or argon in a modified environment, Sharebot SnowWhite2 is the ideal tool for universities and research centers that study or develop new polymers and composites
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Just use 300g of powder
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Machine Specs and Features:
DIMENSIONS: 1500 x 600 x 600 mm
WEIGHT: ca 120 Kg
PRINTING VOLUME: 100 x 100 x 100 mm (maximum)
Z RESOLUTION: 50 microns
XY RESOLUTION: 100 microns
LASER: CO2 (10640nm) – 14W
BUILDING SPEED (Z): up to 35 mm/h
SCAN SPEED: up to 3500 mm/s
HEATED CHAMBER: up to 190 °C
Some values may change for technical reasons

Galvanometer system with f-Theta lens
Define laser movements with GCODE
All printing parameters are open
Remote controllable
Log file available at the end of each process
A new feature of SnowWhite2. With an update it is now possible to use two different materials for the creation of sintered objects (SLS).
Researchers will now have the possibility to control both the movement of the recoater and of each single powder distribution tank through intuitive and easy-to-manage commands, so from today they will have the possibility to test and create multi-material objects in a simple and intuitive way.

SnowWhite2 documents
Example LOG files generated by the printer
Remote Control via Sharebox web interface

Monitor the processes

Upload and manage GCODE files

Upload and manage print profiles